OnWallStreet: Ten Thousand Thank Yous!


Exciting news! OnWallStreet magazine has placed my little book, Questions Great Financial Advisors Ask … and Investors Need to Know, co-authored with David Richman, on their Summer Reading 2014, Part 2: Top Picks on Amazon list! We are truly honored to be included with Storyselling, The Million Dollar Financial Advisor and the other amazing books on the list.

Questions Great Financial Advisors Ask … and Investors Need to Know really is little … by design. After all, we know where most of our most productive reading takes place, right?

While it may be little in size, this book is heavy in content. David and I compiled the essential questions the industry’s top advisors ask. The ones that lead to the probing and personal conversations necessary to diagnose and understand their clients – and potential clients – deep-seated feelings about money. By wringing out the emotion of investing, these successful advisors set clients on the rational road to achieving their financial goals. There’s even a chapter of “great questions to ask” organized by topic.

Here’s a freebie: “Who’s my client?”.



Check out OnWallStreet’s full list here.

Buy the book on Amazon!